We welcome inquiries about submitting your work so that it can be considered for featuring on the Collaboratory Web Platform.
Submissions can include work that represents diverse forms and approaches to socially engaged learning, public scholarship and creative/professional practice focused on creating a more just, resilient and equitable society. The work can include courses, labs, research, student projects and initiatives involving collaborations among faculty, students and organizational and community partners of The New School.
If you would like to be featured on the Collaboratory web platform please review the multiple ways in which your work can be featured below. Then complete the brief form at the bottom of this page and the Collaboratory team will be in touch with you.

Explore: In-brief
The In-brief section of the Collaboratory web platform provides a space where work can be described in brief. Each post featured on the Collaboratory website has its own Page, where the scope and collaborators are detailed. Readers of the In-brief pages should get a strong sense of the who, what, where, when and why of a project.
Each post in the Explore In-brief section includes:
- Description of up to 500 words which summarizes the work’s scope
- Names of partner institutions external to The New School
- Names and titles of all key collaborators including partners
- Additional resources (like related courses, website if available, etc)
An example of an In-brief post can be viewed here.
Explore: In-Depth
The In-depth section is a space to chronicle work in a blog format, including multiple, ongoing contributions overtime. There is no limit to the number of posts, and you are welcome to add to your collection of posts for as long as your project continues.
In the In-depth section, you can tell the story of your work as it evolves by sharing a different aspect of your work in each post. Together these posts give context to your body of work and respond to critical questions that animate and inform the work.
Each In-depth post should have a narrative component of about 300-800 words, complemented by multimedia components (photos, audio, or videos). We ask that each contribution be accompanied by at least 2 images. Additional images and other types of multimedia are welcome. References should be included as needed.
An example of an In-depth Page can be viewed here.
The Collaborate section is a catalogue of faculty, students and community partners whose work is featured on the Collaboratory website. They are a community of learners, scholars and practitioners who represent diverse disciplines and approaches towards socially engaged learning, scholarship, and creative and professional practice.
The Collaborate section provides profiles of the individuals connected to the work featured on the Collaboratory website.
Individual profile pages include:
- Headshot
- Brief Biographical text
- Social media accounts (LinkedIn, Twitter)
- Links to websites
An example of an Individual’s Profile Page can be viewed here.
The Learn section is a collection of resources which can inform new or ongoing projects by exemplifying methods and tools for socially engaged pedagogy, scholarship and practice.
You are invited to submit relevant articles, reports, toolkits, templates, lesson plans and syllabi related to your work that is featured on the Collaboratory website or that you think is more broadly relevant to our community of learners, scholars and practitioners.
Each resource has its own Page. A ‘Resource’ Page introduces viewers to the resource with a short description and readers can download the resource.
An example of a ‘Resource’ Page can be viewed here.
The Reflect section is an e-journal for reflective articles about cross-cutting themes of socially-engaged teaching, scholarship and practice. Your contributions to this section should primarily focus on modes and methodologies of innovative education work, with examples of projects and experiences informing the piece’s reflective theme.
Reflect posts may take the form of an essay or interview with 1000-2000 words. Several images are requested to illustrate each reflective piece. Other audio-visual multimedia can also be used. Please include references as needed.
An example of a Reflect submission can be viewed here.
If you have any comments or questions about any particular section, please send us a message at collaboratory@newschool.edu.