Zolberg Institute – International Refugee Committee Fellowship

In 2017, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility at The New School were pleased to announce the creation of a fellowship program designed to connect students to teams working to solve the global refugee crisis.

With over 65 million people displaced globally, the world is facing an unprecedented challenge. More people are on the move than at any time since World War II. Conflicts are lasting longer. Violent non-state organizations are making it harder to reach people trapped in war zones. And those who are forced to flee are increasingly settling in urban centers rather than refugee camps. The IRC and the Zolberg Institute believe that this calls for new solutions, new research, and new ideas. Zolberg IRC Fellows play a critical role in unlocking these latest innovations.

Zolberg IRC Fellows are placed with teams from IRC’s Airbel Center, a research and development (R&D) lab created to design, test, and assess new solutions to address the global refugee crisis.  The Fellowship program matches interested students from a range of different disciplines, and embed them in interdisciplinary working teams at the IRC to develop new solutions that help people displaced by war and disaster.  Fellows will support the design and assessment of innovations in interventions to aid refugees and displaced people, and fellows will have a high degree of ownership over pieces of project work.


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