Community Solar (CS) and Community Shared Solar (CSS) are great ways for more people to get involved in the solar market and grow solar generation. In fact, that is probably the easiest way for most low and moderate include people in the US to access solar energy due to the numerous barriers to purchasing a residential solar photovoltaic (PV) system. Community organizations like the Partner Organization (PO) are invested in enabling the people in their neighborhoods to have more control over their energy choices and build awareness of the power of localized renewable energy production. Having better awareness of what it takes to build solar in a given community will not only be helpful for these community residents and organizations, but also for solar developers and funders. The lessons gathered from the exploration of key perspectives of stakeholders in can be shared among those in the community solar industry and foster dialogue on how stakeholders can better work together to drive policies and markets that make CS within reach for all. Also, while there are studies looking at the value propositions for utilities, a document examining the utility value proposition along with that of individuals, policymakers and the three discussed in this paper could provide a more comprehensive view of how to spread understanding of what other parties need to build community solar projects and create a friendlier regulatory environment for CS, especially in NYC.

Conclusions on Community Solar in NYC