Author: Alexander Fine

  • Alexander Fine

    Alexander Fine

    The New School (Student)

  • Elizabeth Werbe

    Elizabeth Werbe

    The New School (Staff)

  • Dana Martens

    Dana Martens

    The New School (Student)

  • Integral City

    Integral City

    Integral City: Warren is a collaboration between community groups in Warren, Ohio and The New School Urban  Collaborative (Milano Finance Lab + Parsons School of Design Strategies) to propose, design and implement visionary new models for urban life.

  • Harlem Collaboration Project

    Harlem Collaboration Project

    The purpose of the HCP is to support young people in Harlem to meet their higher potential. We will do this by testing our assumptions, being grounded in relationships and acting responsibly.

  • AIDS Quilt Touch

    AIDS Quilt Touch

    Our aim is to create an appropriate digital memorial that helps preserve significant cultural memories about AIDS, art, and activism, and personal memories about those who died of HIV/AIDS who are commemorated on the Quilt.