Anezka Sebek


Anezka Sebek designs curricula in BFA/MFA Design and Technology Programs in virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies, as well as teaching in studio and thesis courses. Before teaching full-time, her extensive career in the film industry includes projects for television, advertising, documentaries and feature films. She was best known as visual effects and computer animation producer for technologically complex projects that combined live-action with digital effects. She has written, produced, and directed music videos, narrative shorts, and documentaries. Ms. Sebek served on juries for Association for Computing Machinery Siggraph Electronic and Animation Theater and Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria). She was invited to speak at the Post-City Ars Electronica Festival Expanded Animation Panel (2015) about the changing field of new media and animation technologies. She recently curated the New School Nth Degree series Immersive Storytelling Symposium(February 2017). Her Ph.D. in Sociology (2016) dissertation, Family Homelessness in the Small City (2016), is an ethnographic qualitative methods study of the social strata and bureaucracies that control the lack of affordable housing and living-wage jobs in post-industrial Northeast American cities. In January 2018, Anezka made a journey with Sven Travis to Ahmedabad, India to work with 28 New School (mostly DT students) and India Institution of Technology (IIT) at the Gandhinagar campus. The students created projects that proposed answers to wicked problems of how to Design for a Billion.




